Ladies Who Cast - Level 2
Livingston MT
July 2023
Join us for Mountain Girl’s Level 2 fly-fishing clinic designed to increase your fly fishing knowledge and skills for a day on the river!
Day 1 Starts at the fly shop where we will review the basic skills that you learned in 101 like knots, gear, flies and casting. We will wrap up this evening by grilling fish tacos and having a potluck. Please bring a dish for the potluck. Drinks, paperware, and plasticware will be provided.
Day 2 will start with a fun challenge at the fly shop, but enough about that - it's a surprise! From there we will go to the river and spend the rest of the day fishing and honing your angling skills. Other topics we will cover include fish fighting, reading the water, netting, and handling, conservation, ethics, and much more!
Fly fishing social: We will wrap up the weekend with a no host social at Neptune's Brewery in Livingston for all ladies interested in fly fishing. Grab a friend and come on down for some fish stories, compare notes about gear and fishing spots and meet new fishing partners!