Behind Mountain Girl
I’m Tanya, the Founder of Mountain Girl.
Raised on a ranch near Spotted Horse, Wyoming, I grew up with an appreciation for the life experiences gained by being outside. My inspiration for Mountain Girl came while I was on a girls trip to Yellowstone with a group of women featuring my mom, sister, mother-in-law, teenage daughter and other family and friends. Our group was scattered about the mountain side, the younger ones running up and down the trail, and the older ones standing at the bottom and just soaking it all in. It occurred to me that we were all getting outside in our own way. All that mattered is that we were there, in the outdoors, together.
A few minutes outside everyday will boost your self confidence, physical well being, and mental health. Combine that with finding a community of women who love the outdoors as much as you do and you have a powerful potion.
I can’t wait to meet you whether it’s on a trail, on the river, or at a Mountain Girl event. Let’s get outside.
Community Events
Learning a new outdoor activity or sport can be intimidating, but we’re not expecting you to do it alone. We’re here to be your guide so you can confidently take on any adventure that’s calling you.
Want to take your son or daughter fly-fishing but don’t know how to cast? We have the best clinic to teach you (and make you look like the most badass mom on the river).
Think you want to try backpacking or camping but don’t have the equipment? We know where to find the best rentals so you can try it before making the investment, because we understand just how expensive outdoor gear can be.
New to your area and need a group to go hiking with? Or a friend to go to your local lake for an afternoon of SUP? We’re so glad you found us.
Our Story
Mountain Girl began as a lifestyle brand looking to inspire women to get outside. Over the last few years, we’ve learned that the shared experience and ability to welcome more friends into the outdoors is actually our passion. So, we’ve pivoted into creating experiences rather than things. We hope to offer up life-long memories that inspire, educate and build confidence. We’ll still create some special edition items that help you along the way, but for now– we’re committed to bringing to life events that build community, skills and confidence.