Mountain Girl Events

It is our hope, that through outdoor adventure and community, you’ll find genuine connection to yourself, others and the natural world.

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Introduction to Dry Tooling

Introduction to Dry Tooling

Join us at The Mountain Project Gym in Bozeman, Montana, for an engaging and informative Introduction to Drytooling class tailored for enthusiasts eager to delve into this exhilarating sport. Perfect for beginners, this class will cover all the essentials to get you started. You’ll learn the basics of drytooling, including how to properly handle and use the tools essential for climbing. Our experienced instructors will guide you through the nuances of navigating drytooling holds and demonstrate effective equipment use.

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Broad Beta’s live storytelling night

FREE - 6:00 PM at Uphill Pursuits
Sponsored by
Broad Beta and the Bronco Wild Fund

Join us for dinner, drinks, a raffle, and four short, incredibly inspiring, wild, and heartfelt presentations about the lives and adventures of some amazing mountain women.

For women and gender queer folks only. Free admission!

NOTE: This is not a Mountain Girl Event. Please click on the link below for more info.

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Cold Snap Film Festival

Welcome to the Cold Snap Film Festival -- an event 15 years in the making. We're thrilled to host this event and are excited to see your compelling stories about experiences outside. Our goal is for the films to celebrate nature and human-powered adventures with a twist of environmental justice and inclusivity in the outdoors.

NOTE: This is not a Mountain Girl Event. Please click on the link below for more info.

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to Nov 11

Venery Deer Camp

Join Venery in Big Timber for an immersive, hands-on hunting experience designed for women* looking to build confidence and skills in the field.

NOTE: This is not a Mountain Girl Event. Please click on the link below for more info.

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First Aid for Outdoor Adventures

First Aid for Outdoor Adventures

Join our first aid class designed specifically for outdoor adventurers! This comprehensive course will equip you with the essential skills to manage injuries and medical emergencies in remote locations. You'll learn to stop major bleeding, administer an Epi-Pen, check ABCs (Airway, Breathing, Circulation), apply splints, and address common medical issues that can arise during outdoor activities. With a focus on hands-on training, you'll get to practice each skill in real-time, ensuring you're prepared for any situation nature throws your way.

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Fly Fishing Social

Fly Fishing Social

Join us at Neptune's Brewery in Livingston for a Ladies Who Cast fly fishing no host social on the patio. Meet new fishing partners, compare notes about gear, and there's sure to be some fishing stories told!

Neptune's has a food truck and great beer.

Whether you have been to a Ladies Wo Cast Class or not, you are welcome. This event is free. Grab a friend and join us for some fish tales and fun!

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Introduction to Dry Tooling

Introduction to Dry Tooling

Join us at The Mountain Project Gym in Bozeman, Montana, for an engaging and informative Introduction to Drytooling class tailored for enthusiasts eager to delve into this exhilarating sport. Perfect for beginners, this class will cover all the essentials to get you started. You’ll learn the basics of drytooling, including how to properly handle and use the tools essential for climbing. Our experienced instructors will guide you through the nuances of navigating drytooling holds and demonstrate effective equipment use.

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